Tea for Tommy's - fundraising opportunity
Head of People & Internal Communications
Tommy's, our charity partner, is running a fundraising campaign called Tea for Tommy's.
This is a fun and social way to get our people together to host a tea and raise funds for research into the causes and treatment of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth. It would be brilliant if our services could hold a Tea for Tommy's session, maybe as part of a team get together or team meeting over the next 4-6 weeks. It could be something as simple as getting together for a coffee and a chat, with a few cakes and snacks and everyone who attends makes a small donation to Tommy's on our Just Giving Page. The choice is completely yours though - how do you want your service to host one?
If you are interested in running a Team for Tommy's session within your service, please speak to your Local Communication Lead or email totem or Trev Mealing to find out more.
Posted on:
May 22, 2023 8:00 AM