Your Emergency Medical Info
Physical Activity Lead
In a recent review at One You Lincolnshire, we have implemented a new staff support procedure, that we wanted to share with other Thrive Tribe services.
For any of our people who have known medical conditions or allergies which may require emergency medical treatment, we are introducing a new support mechanism. Currently, any information about health conditions, allergies, next of kin details etc. are stored confidentially on Bob, which is only accessible by your line manager. Whilst this keeps this information confidential, if there was ever an emergency situation where other colleagues might benefit from accessing this information, it would not always be practical or possible to get hold of your line manager to access your details on Bob.
To help with this, we are proposing that if anyone has any known health conditions or allergies that might require emergency treatment, that any essential information including next of kin details should be carried on a ‘medical emergency card’ and either kept either in your lanyard case or in your work mobile phone case. Then, in the event of any emergency treatment being required this information would be easily accessible for colleagues to check and follow.
There is also a section of Android work phones that you can se up your "Emergency Medical Information" and "Emergency Contacts".
To do this, simply go to your phone's "settings" app, and search for "Safety & Emergency". Open it, and then fill out the "Medical Info" and "Emergency Contacts" sections, making sure you toggle on the "Show on Lock Screen" option.
This will then be accessible by anybody by clicking the "Emergency Call" option on the phone, without needing a lock screen password. As follows:
If you feel like the above might apply to you, please speak to your line manager, and please do set up your Emergency Medical Information on your phone.
Posted on:
October 12, 2023 2:30 PM