Our New Charity Partner is...
Head of People & Internal Communications
In case you weren't able to make the Christmas celebrations on Dec 14th, we are delighted to announce that our new charity partner for 2024 will be...
The Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Charity has been voted for, by you, as our charity to raise funds for in 2024. After speaking with representatives from PKD, they said: "As a very small charity we truly appreciate your kind support; and your fundraising will be used to support our core aims:
- Support and empower anyone affected by PKD, whenever and however they need it.
- Take every opportunity to raise awareness of PKD to the media, healthcare professionals, the public and the government.
- Fund research into treatments and discovering a cure for PKD".
In the new year we will put out some templates for new email signatures and other related messaging that relates to the change of our charity partner from Tommy's to The PKD Charity.
Thanks so much to all of you who have supported Tommy's, and we hope we can continue to count on you next year in supporting PKD.
Posted on:
December 18, 2023 10:30 AM