Our New Mental Health Lead is...
After a hugely competitive recruitment process for a Mental Health Lead position, we're delighted to announce that Veronika Rysinova has been appointed into this new and exciting Thrive Tribe role! Veronika has worked as a gloji mentor in Thrive Tribe for over 3 years, whilst also developing our NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme alongside a specialist,multidisciplinary team. Veronika has significantly contributed to a number of programme evaluations; informing strategy, clinical effectiveness and service design,and has delivered a multitude of training offerings and mindfulness workshops.In addition to her Thrive Tribe duties, Veronika is also a research consultant at the University of the West of England, and possesses a very strong academic background in mental health (currently working towards a doctorate in health psychology).
We're delighted that Veronika will be spearheading our strategy and commitment to embed high quality mental health support across our programmes, initially focussing on our new integrated health and wellbeing programme in Nottingham, and One You East Sussex. The role ismulti facetted, with an overarching remit to ensure our teams are best equipped with the necessary tools and training to effectively support our service users living with a mental health condition. Equally, Veronika will play an important role in ensuring our services are designed, adapted and tailored with mental wellbeing at the forefront of their development.
Please join me in congratulating Veronika!
Huge thanks to everyone who enquired, and interviewed for this position; again, a fantastic example of the depth in quality we have across the organisation!
Posted on:
March 13, 2024 1:00 PM