New Eating Disorder App
The Eating Disorder Support App enables people with disordered eating and eating disorders, andpeople close to them, to find useful information, self-care tips and links to support.
Why this app?
An estimated 1.25 million people in the UK have an eating disorder- and their number has risen sharply during the pandemic. Eating disorders havedifferent causes and can lead to serious health problems - even death.
Early diagnosis and treatment improve outcomes, but long waiting lists for care and gaps in service provision mean that many people with eating disorders don’t get the help and support they so desperately need.
What the app does
The new Eating Disorder Support app makes reliable,evidence-informed information about eating disorders more easily accessible -in one place, even when offline - to:
- Educate people about eating disorders - and explain what to do next when concerned or in crisis
- Promote wellbeing and safe self-care - to help people prevent, address and solve eating problems
- Signpost services and support - to make people aware of useful resources and how to get help
Who developed the app
The Eating Disorder Support App was developed in collaborationbetween the Bristol Health Partners Eating Disorders Health Information Team(EDHIT) and Expert Self Care, and co-produced with public contributors, topicexperts, charities and other partners, including:
Anorexia & Bulimia Care
Buzz Consulting
First Steps ED
Somerset & WessexEating Disorder Association
Posted on:
February 23, 2024 10:00 AM