Be Aware of 'Shoulder Surfing'
Head of Managed Services
If you're role is client facing - it gives you access to so much personal information about the clients we work with. Your role may also give you access to your fellow colleagues data too, using systems like Telus Health and Bob. Both areas, regardless of role type, gives you access to so much personal data. Please therefore be mindful around your laptop and phones, when you're accessing this data.
If you’re working in a public place, don’t walk away from your laptop for a cuppa without locking the screen, especially if you’re logged in to a system like 365 Response, 1S4H or Basecamp. If you do need to walk away from your laptop in any environment, that involves other people, the best process is to lock your laptop, meaning a password is required to re-open this material. The better option though, is to never leave your laptop, phone, or any other equipment related to your role in any environment that might be classes as unsafe, or insecure. This can also include public transport and within your car too.
The below Barclays TV Advert demonstrates how easily data can be collected, and used for fraudulent and illegal purposes.
Posted on:
January 25, 2024 10:40 AM