Thrive Tribe & Man V FAT: Our impact!


As you know, our collective goal is to help support our service users to achieve their individual goals in as many different ways as we can! Our long-term mission is to "“To pioneer preventative healthcare delivery by empowering over one million people to change their behaviours and THRIVE!”.
It is with great pride that we can announce our updated collective impact on our journey to change the state of the nation's health, one person at a time - supported one step at a time!
The total amount of people we have empowered to make a positive lifestyle change is now: 328,129 (up to March 31st 2023). This is up an INCREDIBLE 109,422 on our previous total! Sending a huge and heart-felt well done to everyone! Our impact is the greatest measure we have, and has the most life-changing and positive affects on our service users 🎉🥳!
Here is how the people we have helped break down throughout Thrive Tribe and Man V FAT:
We've included some of the the headline data in the above table, and whilst there a few areas of our delivery not broken down by outcome type, the total people helped does include but the incredible work completed within our workplace health, health coach and physical activity delivery teams. Thank you all so much for your fantastic work!
Please just stop for a moment, and let these numbers sink in! Almost 110k people who received high-quality lifestyle guidance and support, to allow them to achieve their goals, and lead healthier, happier lives! Everyone of our people, within our individual areas and roles, have had a part to play in this!
I'm sending a huge thank you, and a huge well done to each and everyone one of us!
Posted on:
June 26, 2023 8:00 AM
Jun 26, 2023 9:47 AM
Fills me with such pride to know that we have helped this many people - incredible effort everyone! Thrive Tribe - making the world a better, healthier and happier place, one person at a time!
Jun 26, 2023 9:20 AM
Amazing achievement 👏
Jun 23, 2023 4:43 PM
Incredible 👏👏👏👏