Falls Prevention courses get underway


Viki Potter and Kirby Lambert came together to enjoy the moment that the FAME-based falls prevention service delivered it's first session in London recently!
Viki and Kirby led the first of many planned courses that will help support residence of both London and Lincolnshire that are at risk of a falls to increase their muscular control, balance and therefore reduce the risk of a fall happening. All the initial courses offered in London have been filled, with a waiting list now being created for future roll outs too! Kirby in Lincolnshire, started Lincolnshire's delivery of the falls prevention courses a few weeks back and has had a massive uptake and the delivery has gone exceptionally well so far!

A huge congratulations and well done to all involved to get the first London course underway! We can't wait to see the impact that these courses have across both areas later on in the year! 🎉
Posted on:
July 21, 2023 9:20 AM