Celebrating The Impact Of Our London Teams!
Head of Service
As we enjoy spending our last week with our wonderful team members that make up our London bi-borough contract, we wanted to celebrate the incredible work that both teams have achieved, and the huge positive affect the teams have brought to the residents of Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea!
The passion to support service users, and the incredible drive seen from all that work in this area, has seen the service go from strength to strength and achieve so much over the last 5 years of delivery!
Here are a few of the incredible achievements the team have brought to the bi-borough:
From the Stop Smoking team across both boroughs:
From the Healthily Lifestyles teams across both boroughs:
Collectively therefore, the amount of people that we've managed to help is:
Below are just a few of the brilliant pictures from various events, outreach sessions, team building activities or sessions with clients from the last 5 years!
A personal huge thank you to each and every one of the team members, past a present, for all you have done to help the team achieve what we have done over the last 5 years! It's nothing short of incredible what you have created and brought to the area!
While the whole of Thrive Tribe is extremely sad to be seeing you leave, we want to wish you all the very best in your new roles, and the new service provider every success!
You will forever be known though, as OUR bi-borough team!
Posted on:
November 29, 2024 1:00 PM