Achieve Oxfordshire Hit the Headlines!
Lizzie Martin
Maddy -the Child Weight Management Lead in Oxfordshire was asked to give an interview about the Gloji Energy project running across Oxfordshire. The BBC, who conducted the article reported that the 12 week programme for four to 12 year olds works in targeted areas of Oxfordshire and is free for those who meet the criteria. It also provides fun activities for children, while parents and carers will also access expert tips and advice on food, portions, snacking, self-esteem.
Councillor Mark Lygo, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health and Equalities, said: "“Although Oxfordshire is typically one of the least deprived areas of England, ten of our wards are among some of the most deprived. Food poverty is a major issue in areas of deprivation and children from deprived areas are almost twice as likely to be obese than those in affluent areas.
“We know many people don’t know where to start making a change or may find it overwhelming, especially with pressures on household budgets that make it harder to be healthy.
“Health can come in all shapes and sizes – eating well and staying active are the best ways to be healthy. Gloji Energy will help make it easier for families to make healthy choices through fun, accessible and convenient support and activities.”
To read the article in full please follow this link
A huge well done to the whole Oxfordshire team, and all local services that offer Gloji Energy, on such a positive news article!
Posted on:
June 5, 2023 8:00 AM