Updated Safeguarding Policies
Clinical Governance & Quality Manager
We have a duty to protect our vulnerable service users, and fundamentally believe that everyone has a right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. I am therefore pleased to announce that we have updated our safeguarding policies to reflect this commitment and they can be found on Bob. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, so please read both policies even if you do not currently deliver to child service users.
Key updates include:
- A separate policy for child (<18 years old) and adult (≥18 years old) service users
- The introduction of Local Safeguarding Champions (for most services) to ensure prompt support, aligned to respective Local Authority thresholds
- Quarterly safeguarding working groups for the Local Safeguarding Champions to learn collectively, and refine our process
- Enhanced training requirements for all. In addition to the Litmos mandatory training module, the following must be completed on elfh (links are in the policy – please scroll down the relevant elfh page to find the level of training required):
Everyone will have until the end of March 2023 to complete the training requirements, which are also detailed within each policy. Please save any certificates for future reference as we will be tracking training adherence throughout the year and will require evidence of completion. If a certificate is not offered, then please take a screenshot.
If you have any questions, please approach your Local Safeguarding Champion in the first instance, who will collate questions/queries.
Posted on:
January 9, 2023 7:32 AM