One You Lincolnshire - Barking Mad?

Adult Weight Management Practitioner

The team at One You Lincolnshire have been wanting to arrange a "bring your dog to work day", and their June full team meeting saw this come to fruition! The team also wanted to be as active as possible too, and so combined the two into their dog-friendly team meeting held at Doddington Dog Adventure Paddocks - a closed off, dog-friendly outdoor space.
The team caught up, discussed service updates and stakeholder feedback and then socialised with all attendees human, and furry alike. The team also took the opportunity to raise some funds for Tommy's by selling cakes, which resulted in over £60 being added to Tommy's kitty (pun intended).
Here is a few pictures of the day and the team very much enjoying it.

Well done Lincolnshire, It looks like a brilliant day!
Posted on:
July 14, 2023 2:05 PM