Health Check conference recordings
Quality and Training Manager
A great morning of learning!
Firstly I would like to say a huge thank you to Theresa, Alex, Lisa and Pam for not only pulling together three fantastic presentations but also agreeing to present them for you all. For anyone that was unable to make it or does not deliver health checks, yesterday morning we delivered our very first online TT health check conference. This was the second conference we have delivered this year (smoking cessation was in March) and is part of a programme of conferences we are delivering for each of our service lines. If you would like to watch any of the health check presentations, then please read on!
Everything you need to know about cholesterol
Theresa Shortland and Alex Vamplew delivered our first topic on cholesterol. They looked at what directly affects cholesterol, how cholesterol works in the body and how smoking and alcohol effect cholesterol.
Lisa Dean delivered our second topic on menopause. Lisa covered what perimenopause and menopause is, the key hormones involved and why these hormone changes impact on health and wellbeing?
Clinical Waste Policy
Amanda Dorrington delivered an update on the latest clinical waste and infection prevention policy. The talk went though the content of the policy and highlighted a few updates that will be coming in the near future for those transporting and storing clinical waste.
The Physiology of Blood Pressure
Pam Bothwell was our final presenter and delivered her presentation on the physiology of blood pressure. Pam covered what is blood pressure, the theory of hypertension, the 3 main body systems involved in hypertension and how they influence blood pressure and finally an in-depth look at what is happening with alcohol, exercise and stress on blood pressure
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June 30, 2023 10:10 AM