Our Data Team's May Update
The data team would like to present their May newsletter to highlight what they've been working on and celebrate the incredible efforts from the data team! May has been a busy one -seeing the Data team designing, creating and implementing lots of changes to systems to allow the data collection, production, exporting and presentation of the required data.
Key Activity Summary:
- One You Surrey: lose weight Service Dashboard / KPI Snapshot
- Design of new ‘smoke free’ product dashboard (365 data only)
- Data quality and data load performance improvements
- Adding new contracts into CSDS reporting (April start contracts)
- Interim data capture solutions (SharePoint lists) for programmes starting which are not yet on Dynamics
- BAU reporting
1. One You Surrey Service Dashboard / KPI Snapshot for ‘lose weight’:
- Service Dashboard & KPI Snapshot for One You Surrey is now live in the OYS PBI workspace (see April Data Team Update email for the differences between Service Dashboard & KPI Snapshot)
- The OYS lose weight contract definitions deviate quite drastically from other contracts. They also have a very convoluted definition for one of their priority groups (Key 21 Neighbourhoods). Activity aligned specifically to the OYS definitions is now available in the OYS dashboards.
- We’ll also be adding the new off-system KPI capture to the existing reporting solution.
2. Design of new ‘smoke free’ product dashboard (365 data only):
- We are working on a new ‘smoke_free_referrals’ view – still in dev / pending testing
- There is still quite a bit of work to do to get the data in shape here, but soon we will be able to provide a view of smoke free data from 365 (which means that we’ll also be able to use this for Hackney and any other services going onto 365).
- In parallel, we’ve been working on dashboard page designs for a ‘smoke free’ dashboard, cross-referencing against contractual KPIs and liaising with the smoke free leads to ensure that they’ll have all the data they need.
3. Data quality and data load performance improvements
- Quality and performance improvements to 365 data load and smoke free code
- Cleaning up and alignment of gloji and MANvFAT views in the combined ‘lose weight’ view
- Reviewing and cleaning up programme status definitions logic
4. Adding new contracts into CSDS reporting (April start contracts)
- New contracts added into CSDS reporting (for April onwards submissions)
- Some bugs identified requiring manual effort this month – we will fix these before next month’s submission
- MANvFAT SOPs created and agreed for the following processes:some text:
- Enabling reporting for non-TT funded clubs
- Enabling reporting for TT funded clubs
- CSDS / Operational flow
5. Interim data capture solutions (SharePoint lists) for programmes starting which are not yet on Dynamics
- SharePoint Lists created to fit operational / reporting requirements for the following programmes:some text
- Nottingham Gloji Groups
- Nottingham AWM Coaching
- Brighton CWM
- Brighton Pregnancy
- Brighton LD
- Nottingham Gloji Groups
- Shoutout to for implementing a Dynamics/SharePoint integration that pre-populates the SharePoint list with fields from the Dynamics referral record – a super-welcome feature that will save the advisors a lot of time and reduce the risk of human error), and also and for helping to define the requirements.
6. BAU Reports
- NDPP Monthly Report
- CSDS Monthly Report
- Stop Smoking Services
- Collection (FKA ‘DOH reports’)
- OYES Annual Report
Posted on:
June 13, 2024 2:00 PM